- Bedrooms
- 4
- Bathrooms
- 4
- Property Size
- 252 m2
- Compl. Year
- --
- Floor
- --
- Price
- 1,800 $ /monthThe rental fee includes
The rental fee excludesCleaning ServiceIncluding WaterInternet & TV cable billsIncluding VAT invoiceIncluding Management FeeElectricity
Just 1800$/month for the 4BRs apartment with a full Westlake view? Yes, you did not read the wrong title because it is real. Our 252m2 apartment stands on the top of the Golden Westlake project – one of the first building nearby Westlake. That is the reason why you can realize that this complex may be older than others in the same area.
However, Golden Westlake brings much more benefits in case you don`t know. Located far from the street, you will never be bothered by the noise even in rush hour. Besides that, with 0.8$/m2/apartment/month MGT fee, all your family members can use the facilities of this Complex for free. Sound interesting, right?
One more thing, I ensure that the lake view in our apartment is the best of the best. No block, full completely Westlake scene will bring a relaxable feeling for your family.
Can a lot of advantages for this un-furniture apartment attract you? Let us know!
- Beds
- Fridge
- Air Conditioners
- Wardrobes
- Sofa set